June 12: Volume 2: The Drift Into Chaos (#2)


When NDSC met again on the 25th of June 1993, all of the officers, including Abacha and Diya, refused Babangida’s order to issue a statement on his behalf on the annulment. By evening of the same day, Babangida found a willing accomplice in his Minister of Information, Uche Chukwumerije, who, true to his role in Biafra propaganda during the Civil War days, promises to help Babangida spin the propaganda that can contain the backlash from the annulment declaration by getting traditional rulers and several other dignitaries from other ethnic/geo-political zones, to get behind Babangida by showing some sort of support for his decision.

With rumours being rife all over the nation, Abiola gave the following press statement:

“The so-called annulment statement purportedly distributed unsigned, undated and on a plain sheet of paper by Nduka Irabor, the press secretary to the military vice president, is too weak to be expected to perform the task those behind this scheming intended for it.”

When NDSC met again on the 25th of June 1993, all of the officers, including Abacha and Diya, refused Babangida’s order to issue a statement on his behalf on the annulment. By evening of the same day, Babangida found a willing accomplice in his Minister of Information, Uche Chukwumerije, who, true to his role in Biafra propaganda during the Civil War days, promises to help Babangida spin the propaganda that can contain the backlash from the annulment declaration by getting traditional rulers and several other dignitaries from other ethnic/geo-political zones, to get behind Babangida by showing some sort of support for his decision.

Meanwhile, chief Tony Enahoro and other elder statemen from all over the country, tore into pieces Chukwumerije’s propaganda, by issuing a press statement where the facts and figures of the Babangida military misrule were tendered before the public.

Seeing no way out of the political crisis, Babangida reached out to his former boss, General Olusegun Obasanjo…


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